
4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series

2013/12/24 18:06
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Following County Route No. 149, the citizen journalist once more entered the flood-devastated village of Laiji (來吉), where rebuilding work on the road and bridge have yet to be completed. Teachers and students from Taipei Medical University, who formed an emergency relief team immediately after the disaster struck, still walk hand-in-hand alongside the villagers. The enthusiasm of students has touched the tribespeople beyond words; conversely, in spite of the destruction inflicted upon them, the unswerving determination and natural sense of contentment from the tribespeople, has been an enlightening experience to each and every one of the students.

These grateful tribespeople, have stepped out from the shadow of disaster, licked their wounds, and proudly begun to stand tall once again. Four years ago, in the immediately wake of the disaster, the relief team formed by Lin Yih-Ren (林益仁), Director of Taipei Medical University’s Graduate Institute of Humanities, entered Laiji village to provide aid. Over these four long years, the team’s commitment has not diminished, and it has continued to provide essential assistance; similarly, today, the same depth of concern is being shown by conducting student study tours of the area.

“Only through allowing them to experience the village’s reconstruction process first-hand, will a deep sense of empathy be fostered in the students,” said Professor Lin.One personal story depicting the impact of the typhoon is told by Mr and Mrs Zhuang, who following the severe flooding and ultimate destruction of Titanic Scenic Area (鐵達尼號風景區), were left unemployed. Fortunately, however, a small piece of land was spared from the typhoon’s wanton pillage.

“Perhaps this year’s high market price for high-mountain vegetables is God’s way of showing mercy on us; it’ll be sufficient to feed our family,” Mrs Zhuang said candidly. “As long as we work hard, none of us will starve; the only thing we need to fear is indolence,” she added. 

In addition, after managing to navigate the twists and turns of selecting an appropriate site for the last permanent housing development initiated by the Morakot disaster, on December 19, construction work finally started on Plot 152, Alishan Township.

“The process of selecting Plot 152 has had its fair share of complications. Though right from the very early stages, villagers set their minds on this plot, due to safety stipulations, the project met with continual delays. In a bid to overcome numerous difficulties, the council set up a special investigation group, which after five meetings, finally reached a consensus and activated the construction process. In spite of the fact that the tribespeople have endured a seemingly endless wait, the result has been better than anyone expected. It is a wonderful example of truly respecting the aspirations of the local tribespeople. Most importantly, they finally have peace of mind,” said Zhang Heng-yu (張恒裕) Secretary-General of the Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council.



4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series –- Laiji Village on the mend

- 4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series (7)
Start of construction work puts final piece of jigsaw in place


-復甦中的來吉部落 影音

-88風災四週年系列(7)最後一塊拼圖德恩亞納基地動土 影音






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