
Love at Tamkang University - Resource Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

2013/12/04 14:29
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Tamkang University’s Resource Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired Students (淡江大學盲生資源中心) is not only directed at visually impaired students, but also at the school’s 175 students with various disabilities. A number of services are available at the center; students can apply for braille-book production, coursework guidance and reading assistance; photocopy documents; use computers; engage in part-time work; and rest between classes. The interaction between tutors and students is personalized and friendly, like the relationship between two good friends.

In 1980, the former President of Tamkang University, Zhang Jian-beng (張建邦), began accepting visually impaired students into the departments of Chinese and History. It was several years later before the Resource Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students was formally established and oversaw by the school’s Office of Academic Affairs. The center started as a small university society over 20 years ago. Today, the scale has expanded from that small classroom to a space of 1322 m2, which boasts a pristine environment and vast array of equipment. 

The main goal of Tamkang University’s Resource Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired Students is to facilitate greater convenience in learning. The tutors provide assistance as needed, and in addition to a separate large-scale examination room that can produce test papers with especially large characters, the school still hopes that students with disabilities can study alongside their classmates. In an effort to maximize assistance for students with disabilities and provide an optimal study environment, teachers from other resource centers within the school exchange information with each other through the internet and raise various events.

Love at Tamkang University
- Resource Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

愛在淡江 盲生資源中心







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