
Know Theater – starting from the perspective of the deaf

2013/11/28 15:54
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Promoters of Playback Theatre (一人一故事劇場), ‘Know Theater (知了劇團)’, has gradually begun to take notice of deaf people’s needs and specially arrange sign language interpreters and Chinese subtitles for each theme of the troupe’s performances. The aim is to create a barrier-free zone that is attractive to deaf people, and in which deaf members of the audience can enjoy the performance without any restrictions.

‘Playback Theatre’ is an interactive improvisational theater style focusing on the exchange between the audience and performers. These performances have no predetermined scripts and rely entirely on audience members sharing their experiences. The actors on stage then utilize a simple and systematic method to interpret and fully present the significance and feelings of the storyteller in the performance. In addition arranging a sign language interpreter and Chinese subtitles for the performance, ‘Know Theater’ has gradually integrated many hearing-impaired members into the role of protagonist, listening and acting out their life stories.

Know Theater – starting from the perspective of the deaf

知了劇團 從聽障者角度出發


專門推廣一人一故事的「知了劇團」注意到聽障朋友的需求,為了讓他們也能恣意享受戲劇,因此每個主題的演出,都會專門安排一場手語翻譯與同步中文字幕的場次,希望藉此打造無障礙藝術空間,讓更多的聽障朋友願意走進劇場輕鬆看戲。 「一人一故事劇場」,是一種即興的民眾互動式劇場,著重觀眾與表演者之間的交流。其演出並無預定劇本,是透過台下觀眾分享自身的經驗與故事,並由台上的演員即時運用簡單且有系統的表演詮釋,將此事對於說故事者的意義與感受呈現出來。除了在表演時安排手語翻譯與同步中文字幕外,知了劇團也逐漸以聽障朋友為主角,聆聽並演出他們的生命故事。



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