
Urban renewal is here, cultural heritage decays - Xinzhuang County Government Building faces demolition crisis

2013/11/13 17:35
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In October 2012, New Taipei City Government began promoting the development of Xinzhuang’s (新莊) old street, and put the urban renewal project out to tender. In February of this year, after Huang Hiang Construction Corporation (皇翔公司) won the tender, it convened a public information meeting, where the company unveiled its multistoried residential construction plan – two buildings, of 25 and 33 stories respectively.

However, in light of the current urban renewal plan, a number of historic buildings in the area, including Xinzhuang District Government Building and a Japanese-style residential building, are set to be demolished. In a meeting at the start of September, Xinzhuang residents concerned about the area’s architectural heritage complained that the urban renewal project lacks transparency and is being carried out without the full knowledge of local residents. In addition, residents feel that the current planning lacks foresight and will result in a great deal of destruction, benefitting only a small percentage of people in the local district.

Chen Jian-yi (健一表), from Xinzhuang Old Street Sustainable Tourism Alliance (新莊老街永續觀光產業發展聯盟) said that the Japanese-style red brick district government building has strong developmental potential, and as such should be preserved; he added that through proper planning, such buildings could attract even more tourists.

Xinzhuang University raised “Walking Story Map Workshop” which invited everyone to take a crayon and draw memories of Xinzhuang. Looking back at local history, and sharing each other’s memories, stroke by stroke, participants left a lasting record of past memories and current impressions of the district.

Urban renewal is here, cultural heritage decays
- Xinzhuang County Government Building faces demolition crisis

都更來 古蹟倒 新莊郡役所面臨拆除危機






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