
Hope for the Loofa Kids

2013/11/08 18:00
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Every Wednesday afternoon, a group of kids are busy working the land; this is the loofa team. The whole loofa making process, from planting, harvesting and finishing, is completely carried out by the group. In the eyes of the kids, the farm is a springboard to realizing their dreams. The loofa team from Youmu Elementary School (有木國小) in Sanxi (三峽), is composed of underprivileged kids who have taken part in a program to help them appreciate the work process and build self-confidence.

This summer, after cycling to Nantou, they took part in the 3000-meter Swim Across Sun Moon Lake challenge (日月潭泳渡活動). Though it was extremely demanding, they never gave up, and managed to complete the journey and realize a dream. ‘Hope of the Loofa Kids’, which has already been running for 7 years, provides long-term guidance that instills a positive system of values in children as they grow up. It is hoped that such love and warmth can be passed on to future generations.

Hope for the Loofa Kids







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