
We’ve arrived algal reefs! – Concern for newly found algal reefs

2013/10/29 16:01
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PeoPo推 0

This July, teachers and students traveled 200km from National University of Tainan Affiliated Elementary School (南大附小) to launch ‘One person One Letter – Request the President to Save the Algal Reefs’ activity. The activity, which called on the president to designate Guanxin (觀新) algal reefs a nature reserve, not only increased public awareness for the algal reefs in Taoyuan, but also curbed Taoyuan County Government’s plan to forcibly set up a wildlife reserve in the area.

On the 19th and 20th of this month, teachers and students were led on a visit to Guanxin algal reef by school principle Zhou Yi-xiong (周義雄), where they became acquainted with the fish weirs and wind farms of the highly-populated Xinwu Township. To coincide with the activity, The Affiliated Zhongli Senior High School of National Central University (中壢高中) brought along 40 teachers and students to provide assistance on the tour of mangrove swamps and the algal reef. Students from Nanda Elementary School also met up with students from the Yongan Elementary School (永安國小) – a school that has decorated its school walls with murals of the algal reefs.

We’ve arrived algal reefs! – Concern for newly found algal reefs

藻礁我們來了 關心觀新藻礁





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