Sabau ‘Hao Cha’ Village’s ‘Welcome Home’
The raging rivers and devastating landslides that were triggered by the merciless attack of typhoon Morakot in 2009, erased Hao Cha (好茶部落) village in Pintung County from the map. In the new village of the Rukai (魯凱) tribe, the people know they can’t dwell in the past and must get on with their new lives, but with their agricultural lifestyle gone, they must search for new ways to make a living.
After countless village meetings, Hao Cha’s ‘Welcome Home’ homestay scheme was born. Currently, Hao Cha Village has 40 homestay rooms in the village, with each room representing the tribal status of the homeowner. For example, if the wall of the room is decorated with a runner, this means the homestay owner is known as the best runner in the village. Actually, in the traditional tribal culture this was a special distinction, as this kind of person was responsible for delivering important information.
Just like home, all the rooms and warm and cozy and through the tour guide’s explanations tourists are able to come away with a deeper understanding of the Rukai’s tribal culture.
Sabau ‘Hao Cha’ Village’s ‘Welcome Home’
sabau好茶 歡迎回家
2009年的一場莫拉克風災,大水土石無情的侵襲,讓屏東縣新好茶部落正式從地圖上消失,但是住在永久屋部落的魯凱族人知道他們沒有時間難過,在這裡必須展開新的生活 ,但傳統的耕種領域消失了,族人們重新找尋新的生活契機,於是,經過多次的部落會議,好茶村「歡迎回家」接待家庭油然產生,目前好茶村共有約40間的接待家庭,每一間民宿因著民宿主人在部落的身分的位都有著不同主題,如果牆上裝飾著蝴蝶與跑步者,代表著民宿主人曾經是部落裡最會跑步的,不但如此,這還是一份特別的殊榮,因為在部落裡,他是負責傳遞重要的消息,來到這裡的遊客就像是回到家一般的溫暖舒適,透過導覽解說, 接待家庭讓遊客更了解魯凱文化。