Moon guitar ballads
This Mid-Autumn Festival, Taizhong-based philologist Yang Guo-ming (楊國明) invited family members and neighbors to attend an evening of poetic ballads accompanied by the Chinese moon guitar at his ancestral family home in Meishan, Chiayi County. Four generations of the Yang family gathered in the courtyard for what was more than a family reunion, because in the poetic ambiance created Yang Guo-ming they witnessed a Mid-Autumn Festival like no other before.
“I hope that such activities will spark some interest in our traditional culture and the Taiwanese language from the young generation. I also hope that listening to ballads played on the Chinese moon guitar will give the younger generation a better understanding of centuries old Taiwanese folk tales,” said Yang Guo-ming.
Moon guitar ballads
月光下的詩詞歌賦 影音