
Teacher Shi Da-zong’s dedication to promote wheelchair dancing

2013/08/27 11:57
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Shi Da-zong has been promoting wheelchair dancing since 2001, and is now marching into his 12th year. The long and difficult task of introducing the sport of wheelchair dancing into Taiwan has been no easy feat. However, each time he faced setbacks or discouragement, an image of his mother who became paralyzed after suffering a stroke would come to him.

She was the original inspiration behind him bringing wheelchair dancing to Taiwan and helped fuel his drive to find a solution and provide international-style ballroom dancing to the disabled, allowing disabled Taiwanese residents to experience the joy of dance. Teacher Shi Da-zong provides free wheelchair dancing tuition each Monday at Taipei Zhong Shan Sports Center, where come rain or shine, disabled residents rush to class filled with gratitude.

As a reward for several years of dedication and hard work he earned the recognition of the International Paralympics Committee (世界殘障奧運輪椅舞總會) and set up Chinese Taipei Paralympic Committee. Today, he continues striving to promote the sport of wheelchair dancing in Asia. 

Teacher Shi Da-zong’s dedication to promote wheelchair dancing

一直推動輪椅舞的高手 施達宗老師





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