
Hakka people fight to save mother tongue for next generatio

2013/07/30 18:13
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PeoPo推 0

In a countryside Hakka village in Miaoli, Xin De Elementary School (信德國小) is busily promoting the area’s native Hakka culture and mother tongue. Head teacher Mr. Huang realized that if the elderly Hakka generation fails to teach Hakka Chinese, the dialect faces the prospect of being lost to future generations.

As luck would have it the Hakka Affairs Council (客委會) had also become aware of this immanent crisis and is currently in the process of trying to bring Hakka language and culture back into everyday life. The previous difficulty was that customarily Hakka was only taught in schools; however, as the majority of parents speak Mandarin at home, as soon as the children arrived back home all the hard work of the school was lost and very little progress was made.

This was all before the new push to integrate Hakka language and culture into everyday life, incorporating more listening, more speaking, and more drama activities as well as engaging parents. Teachers have implemented a newly coordinated series of fun and interesting teaching methods to help dispel the children’s fear of learning their mother tongue and help them to instead view the learning process as fun.

This new Hakka culture and language initiative has not only given countless children easy access to learn basic Hakka skills and obtain certification, but parents have also come on board, themselves getting actively involved in the certification program - a development that has brought the generations closer together. The school walls are adorned with the famous sentence “The land of our ancestors can be sold, but their wise words cannot be forgotten,” reminding everyone of the importance of one’s language and roots. 

Hakka people fight to save mother tongue for next generation






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