
Shanlin Morakot Workshop – the art of gourd carving

2013/07/23 15:18
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The devastating floods unleashed by Typhoon Morakot snatched away Liugui (六龜) resident Wu Deng-xin’s (吳登鑫) two elder sisters and destroyed the family hot spring business. With the aim of improving his family’s financial situation he joined Shanlin Morakot Reconstruction Association (杉林八八重建協會), where he studied carving and has already produced countless unique pieces of gourd art. Formerly, Wu Deng-xin combed the streets in search of work, but a combination of his mature years, the fact that he doesn’t have any formal professional skills, and that he suffers from polio, meant that all his attempts in job hunting came up against a brick wall.

On the recommendation of the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training Employment Service Center Southern Region (在勞委會職訓局南部就業服務中心) Wu Deng-xin secured a position in a group, learning to make culturally orientated artwork. 

“Mr. Wu is always the first to arrive at work and the last to go home. Although he’s our only male worker, his level of patience and meticulousness is in no way inferior to the female workers. This is his first real job, and he has clearly gained in confidence. I hope he takes advantage of this opportunity and remains in this field a very long time, overcoming all his obstacles to push the boundaries of gourd art to new heights,” said Chen Zong-qing (陳宗卿), manger at the Employment Service Center Southern Region.


Shanlin Morakot Workshop – the art of gourd carving

杉林大愛八八工坊 打造葫蘆雕刻技藝







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