
郭位的《核電關鍵報告》新書,能否經得起專家考驗? 好奇寶寶介入式參與公共議題

2013/06/23 08:36
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行政院研考會「政府施政過程中公民新聞角色」研究案 好奇寶寶的公民參與 


一種『使命感』讓我一個退休白髮人士,硬學硬幹,紀錄下社會不公益的事情!一開始是『好奇』,我用攝影機紀錄下現場,一刀不剪的呈現,完全不合乎新聞既定規則兩分鐘的制式要求,與新聞記者做區隔,要看實況就來好奇寶寶的園地,自詡是「好奇寶寶 臺灣發聲」,之後又添加了直播的花樣,其實也是省事,不需要做太多後製的工。在這些階段都是讓大家看到實況,鮮少發議論。再過來看到新頭殼的新聞,是邀請相關人士上節目,做談話性節目的報導,我也架起機器,自己擔任主持人,訪問來賓,這真『好玩』!也曾在FB上與專家學者談論時事,最後做成報導分享。

















恐懼核能? 郭位:台灣風險評估不夠




公民記者 好奇寶寶




If anyone can forward this e-mail to Dr. Way Kuo, I want to have an open and honest debate with him in front of the People of Taiwan.

Dr. Kuo Way has said many things that are not correct.
I will challenge him on the Software Reliability of the large software project of Using Digital Network Real-Time Control on the TaiPower Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.

Dr. Kuo Way and I worked for the famous AT&T Bell Laboratories previously.
He should know the AT&T Software issue crashed the AT&T long distance network in 1990 below.

The Crash of the AT&T Network in 1990


The following is a magazine excerpt about the "crash" of the AT&T Long Distance Network in 1990 when faulty software was installed on the Number 4 ESS (Electronic Switching System) toll tandems throughout the network. The software glitch managed to disable many switches throughout the network until the problem was attributed to the faulty software and a previous version was installed.
The AT&T Crash from "The Risks Digest"
The following is an excerpt from The Risks Digest - Volume 9, Issue 62 - February 26, 1990.
Cause of AT&T network failure

Software crashes on other systems might just restart the crashed systems (such as Taiwan High-Speed Train System), which might take several hours or days.
However, software crashes on Nuclear Power Plants might cause Nuclear Disasters.
Therefore, if Taiwan Power Company, AEC, and some NE-ESS Professors have the fundamental concept of the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants, they would not choose this World Number-One Design of 40,000 input signals of the Digital Network Real Time Control on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.


I believe Dr. Way Kuo forgot the fundamental of Nuclear Physics about this.
Please find some Physics Professors from National Taiwan University and/or National Tsing Hua University to discuss this to point out the mistakes of Dr. Way Kuo's thinking.

Burning cannot change the nature of Nuclear Wastes.
Radioactive material is still radioactive even after burning.

If burning will solve the issues of nuclear wastes, USA would not spend over US$40 Billions over the past 50 years.
Please see the report from the Wall Street Journal below.
One of the experts who were interviewed is the Chairman of the MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering Department.

US has spent over US$40 Billions about how to handle and store the high-radiated nuclear wastes.
However, there are no solutions (please read the WSJ, April 11, 2013 report below).

How Should We Deal With Nuclear Waste?

High-level nuclear waste has been piling up in the U.S. for decades, and we still have no permanent home for it.
Journal Report
Insights from The Experts
Read more at WSJ.com/EnergyReport
More in Big Issues: Energy
Is It Time to Put Power Lines Underground?
How to Fix the Gas Tax
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Policy makers have been wrestling with the issue since at least 1982, when Congress mandated that waste be stored deep underground. In 1987, lawmakers chose Yucca Mountain in Nevada as a permanent repository; while it was being built, utilities simply stored spent fuel inside cooling pools at nuclear-reactor sites, while paying the government to permanently dispose of the waste.
But billions of dollars and decades later, the U.S. is back to square one. Nevada wasn't happy hosting the nation's nuclear-waste dump, and the Obama administration formally pulled the plug on Yucca Mountain in 2010.
We asked Jack Spencer, senior research fellow for nuclear-energy policy at the Heritage Foundation, Edwin Lyman, senior scientist in the global security program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Richard K. Lester, head of the department of nuclear science and engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to weigh in on the issue. Here are edited excerpts:
--- Jim Su, NE1976, NEG1980, PhD, CISSP



Thank you for the post.

I did not meet with Dr. Way Kuo.
He left AT&T Bell Laboratories before I joined AT&T Bell Laboratories.
He might work for AT&T Bell Labs. at Chicago (actually, Naperville where Dr. Ming-Yuan Hsiao lives now) Illinois, and I worked for AT&T Bell Labs. at Holmdel and Whippany, New Jersey.

I think he has ambition to be the next  National Tsing-Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan.
He lost in the selection process about 6 years ago.
--- Jim Su



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