
Ancient tree verses US$3.5 million building project

2013/06/18 10:04
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PeoPo推 1

An ancient red maple next to Jun An Temple (均安宮) in Houlong Village, West District, Taizhong has been put into an unprecedented crisis after it was revealed that a proposed building project, earmarked for the start of July, intends to extract large quantities of groundwater. A number of Taizhong NGOs have come together under the banner ‘Save the ancient maple alliance,’ and in order to instill locals with the resolution to fight for their environment, on June 9 raised an activity where residents wrote a prayer on a piece of ribbon and tied it to a cord encircling the tree. 

Residents have asked local government to establish a protection zone, safeguarding such ancient trees and the associated culture that surrounds them for posterity. The tree protection alliance said that with 24 floors above ground and 6 below, the ‘New Midtown (新文華)’ building project by Highwealth Construction (興富發建設公司) intends to bore 6 wells to a depth of approximately 32 meters, and continually extract water until the building work has finished.

If, however, during the course of construction, the groundwater dries up, the survival of the ancient maple will be seriously threatened. Another problem the ancient maple seems set to face is a lack of sunlight and air circulation, both of which may threaten the tree’s survival. In order to protect the tree, a public hearing has been demanded with the hope of moving the building project and establishing a protection zone that will safeguard the underground aquifers essential to the tree’s life. A further activity is planned to raise the importance of this issue with the local government and construction firm.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 傑利

Ancient tree verses US$3.5 million building project










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