
Don't allow our wetlands to become 'fish deadlands'

2013/04/23 15:05
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Kaohsiung's Zhongdu Wetland Park (中都濕地公園) covers an area of 12.6 hectares, and is one of the city government's major construction projects. The park is located in a densely populated metropolitan area with heavy traffic. It is in this highly developed environment, that after more than half a century, Kaohsiung City Government intends to restore the mangrove wetlands and natural ecosystem to its former glory.

However, at the same time, it will endeavor to preserve Kaohsiung's industrial heritage and incorporate the surrounding schools into the overall plan; the intention is to create a symbiosis of nature and cultural identity that coexist in harmony. Unfortunately, there appears to exist a great disparity between the government's bold plans and the quality of construction.

After only a year, poor water quality and a lack of water movement has given rise to fish begin scorched to death under the sweltering sun, while on dry land, the decaying beams and columns of a driftwood pavilion leave it precariously leaning. In addition, there is neither an emerging wetlands prototype, nor a flourishing wetlands ecology.

On the contrary, one is left with an overriding sense of danger at every turn, calling into question the quality of work, and just how this project passed inspections. It is clear that these artificially constructed wetlands will require a huge investment of financial and material resources to provide on-going support and maintenance.


PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Don't allow our wetlands to become 'fish deadlands'


別讓中都濕地成魚屍地 影音





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