
海外清華核工人語重心長 給清大核工系教授李敏的公開信

2013/04/23 23:38
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1. 我不反對「核能發電」,但要確實的「核能安全」 刊載在『海外清華』

2. 確實的核能安全 刊載在『海外清華』

3. 中研院院長李遠哲回函:回覆蘇志銓對教育議題的關切 民國83年9月

4. 國家安全生存的思考  致陳總統、李院長、陳義雄的信函 2000-10

5. 常識與學位之一 勿把台灣老百姓當傻瓜 1994-10  (已經於昨天2013-04-22刊登)


6. 中研院院長李遠哲回函:回覆蘇志銓有關核研所轉形(型)與TRRII停建建言 2001-12

7. 中研院院長李遠哲回函:回覆蘇志銓有關大專兵服役期間死亡及我國軍政管理不良建言 民國86年2月

8. 中研院院長李遠哲回函:回覆蘇志銓有關免試高中建言 1997-9

9. 蘇志銓致中研院院長李遠哲有關臺灣教育沒有培養常識問題便緘 2001-12

10. 電梯驚魂 劫後重生   蘇張錦治(蘇志銓夫人)


Dear Chairman Yeh and All NE-ESS Alumni,

Please forward this e-mail to 清大核工系教授李敏.
I want to debate with him using Common Sense.

This is why I said "Please do not teach NE-ESS Students (BS, MS, PhD) to mislead and/or cheat the People of Taiwan" in my previous e-mails.
The statement above is not verbal abuse.
I take the full responsibility of what I said in my e-mails and the 13-page articles.

If 清大核工系教授李敏 owns a house and gets a loan from a bank, are the monthly mortgage payments for the house the parts of the costs of owning the house?

I had asked the costs of Nuclear Energy issues to Taiwan Power Company, AEC and some NE-ESS professors from 1994 to 2000 via some very high ranking officials in Taiwan.
Please read my 2000 article (The lower part of Page 5. Sorry, I re-attached the 13-page PDF file for you to read.)
Taiwan Power Company, AEC, and some NE-ESS professors had not answered my questions about the Real Costs of Nuclear Energy in Taiwan.

Unfortunately, even today, 清大核工系教授李敏 still used the distorted data to cheat the People of Taiwan (please see the copied text below).
Recently (about two weeks ago), Taiwan Economic Ministry admitted that Taiwan Power Company's estimated Nuclear Energy Costs did not include the real costs of construction of the nuclear power plants, handling the nuclear wastes, and how to clean up the nuclear power plant sites after these nuclear power plants stop operations after 40 or 60 years.

How could 清大核工系教授李敏 still use the wrong data to cheat the People of Taiwan?
Does 清大核工系教授李敏 have the basic conscience and Common Sense?
I can declare that 清大核工系教授李敏 is one of those PhDs without Common Sense.
清大核工系教授李敏 can go to Taiwan court to sue me, and I will argue with him in Taiwan court and in front of the People of Taiwan.




清大核工系教授李敏 might have a PhDNE degree from MIT.
Does 清大核工系教授李敏 have basic conscience and Common Sense?

Several of my NE1976 Classmates have PhDNE degrees from MIT, too.
They are NE-ESS Professor Chun-Liang Lin, Dr. Li-Yi Liao, Dr. Ching-Hsaio Wang (who also got MIT MBA).

I might get PhDNE Research Assistantship from MIT because the famous Senior (NE1974), Dr. Chung Chiu in Risk Analysis and Management, wanted to recommend me to MIT when he gave a seminar at the NE graduate school and I asked him a question that impressed him during the seminar in 1979 (or 1980?) at the NE graduate school, National Tsing-Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan.

However, I did not apply MIT because its high costs of living and I had a family.
Eventually, my wife and two sons, in 1982. This is the main reason that I chose the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ for PhDEE degree because of its low living costs.

I am one of the top students of NE-ESS undergraduate and graduate school (NE1976 and NEG1980).
Actually, I got PhDNE RA scholarship from the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champagne in 1980.
The Nuclear Engineering Department of the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champagne, had been as famous as MIT.

The NE Department there, usually, only gave one PhDNE RA to a Taiwan NE student each year.
My NE1976 Classmate, Dr. Ming-Yuan Hsiao, got his PhDNE degree from there.
I almost became his PhD classmate if I went there.
I got PhDEE RA scholarship in 1982 from there again, but I did not go there because the costs of living issues for my family.
I was a country-side boy of the south of Taiwan, and I could not money supports from my grandparents and parents (they were not rich).

At the end of this e-mail, I repeat my statements in the beginning.
How could 清大核工系教授李敏 still use the wrong data to cheat the People of Taiwan?
Does 清大核工系教授李敏 have the basic conscience and Common Sense?
I can declare that 清大核工系教授李敏 is one of those PhDs without Common Sense.
清大核工系教授李敏 can go to Taiwan court to sue me, and I will argue with him in Taiwan court and in front of the People of Taiwan.

Thank you.
--- Jim Su, NE1976 and NEG1980.



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