
Police forcibly remove Chiang-Tsui “tree-sitter” after 12 days

2013/04/15 17:31
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In the early hours of April 8th, as tree-protection activists at Chiang-Tsui Junior High School (江翠國中) entered their 269th hour, police entered the site and removed not only the activists’ makeshift camp, but also the activists’ placards and a selection of schoolchildren’s drawings in support of the protest. On top of this, the officers also removed daily-living provisions and a hand-built rain shelter of environmental activist Pan Han-chiang (潘翰疆), forcing tree activists to temporarily suspended a scheduled press conference.


At around 11am, amid the cry of protests, police issued a warning, informing activists that they were violating the Assembly and Parade Act (集會遊行法); activists Wang Chung-ming (王鐘銘) and Pan Han-sheng (潘翰聲) were subsequently arrested. An attempt by construction workers to seize Pan Han-chiang from the tree forced him out onto perilously high branches; when construction workers began shaking the branches in an attempt to knock Pan out of the tree, activists on the ground began vehemently protesting, stating that this was clearly beyond the jurisdiction of construction workers. At this point, the police stepped in, sending two officers up in a cherry picker to apprehend him, before sending him to the county hospital for a medical checkup.






Police forcibly remove Chiang-Tsui “tree-sitter” after 12 days

肉身護樹12天 江翠護樹志工遭警強制驅離





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