
Community groups no longer fight alone – Building community alliances

2013/03/19 17:47
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In 2012, Nantou Division of the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau’s Community Building Project (社區陪伴計畫) stressed the importance of community alliance. After participating in the coaching program, Professor Hui-Min Chen (陳惠民) from the Department of Architecture and Landscape Design at Nanhua University (南華大學環境藝術研究所) commented that the project has brought together professionals from eight fields of expertise to help build bridges between communities. On 10th March, the allied communities of Yihe (義和) and Minghua (明華) from Dalin Township, as well as Jingpu (菁埔) and Zhongyang (中央) from Minxiong Township converged on Zhongyang activity plaza for a project-end celebration party. Participants not only showed off the fruits of their 6-month study period, but also enjoyed learning new skills from the other attendees. Professor Hui-Min Chen said that the allied communities of Yihe, Minghua, Jingpu and Zhongyang, located in the southern plains of Chiayi County, have been farming the lands for hundreds of years and become a quintessential part of Taiwan’s culture. Unfortunately, through much hardship over the last century a great deal of valuable ancient wisdom has been lost. These kinds of activities are slowly winning back some of the lost wisdom, and friendly competition between communities is providing strength to develop new emerging businesses.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Community groups no longer fight alone – Building community alliances




社造不再單打獨鬥‧社區聯盟正夯 影音





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