
Government sues Huaguang Community residents - Mayor Hau reneges on resettlement promise

2013/01/07 16:48
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Huaguang Community in Taipei City has become a serious headache to a government development plan in the heart of the city. The plan, which includes ostentatiously named streets such as ‘Wall Street’ and Tokyo’s “Roppongi”- six-trees district, is a commercial-residential urban renewal project. The Ministry of Justice, responsible for management of the land, has filed lawsuits against residents of Huaguang Community, demanding they immediately demolish their allegedly illegal homes and pay millions of Taiwanese dollars in compensation for unjust enrichment.

The majority of Huaguang Community residents have lived in the area for more than half a century, and many of their ancestors had put down roots in the area as early as the Qing Dynasty. The residents held a press conference where they denounced the central government on a whole host of points including a sloppily drawn up development plan, having no coherent resettlement plan prior to proceedings, the rough and cruel use of lawsuits to get rid of residents, the use of bulldozers to demolish residents homes, and a string of broken promises. Before submitting a petition, residents pleaded for Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin to get actively involved in the dispute and called on Taipei City’s Urban Redevelopment Office and the Bureau of Social Affairs to take responsibility in protecting residents' basic human rights.

Residents gave three demands to the central government: to oppose demolitions and stop evictions in Huaguang Community before a comprehensive plan has been drawn up; to ensure the project plan incorporates the resettlement of residents; and to demand the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for the litigation process, treats residents fairly and postpones all forced evictions. There were two demands for Taipei City Government: to provide assistance to residents of Huaguang Community who are facing eviction and take a firm stance against the central government, demanding a clear development schedule; and as the urban planning authority, uphold urban planning laws to protect residency rights and ensure resettlement.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫


PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫
Cold government officials force evictions on Huaguang Community residents



Government sues Huaguang Community residents - Mayor Hau reneges on resettlement promise




華光社區居民迫遷被告 協調會上北市府官員冷淡


華光社區居民被中央提告 郝市長承諾安置 卻無規劃








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