
Spreading joy and love

2013/01/02 16:24
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PeoPo推 0

A group of retirees from Taiwan have formed the China Song Lover’s Association (華夏歌友會), amassing nearly eighty amateur singers. The members meet regularly on weekdays, together learning and sharing their knowledge of songs and building long-lasting relationships. The group mainly sings traditional Taiwanese pop songs, and is often invited to various veterans' homes, hospitals and communities to give concerts. Every aspect of the performances, including costumes, transportation, props and the band, are provided by the members. With a mission to spread joy and love, seeing the audience clapping and swaying along with the beat, and receiving countless thanks, is deeply rewarding to this group of young-at-heart song lovers. Members said seeing dazzling smiles from old war veterans, who have spent the best part of their lives such a long way from home injects inspiration and determination to continue with their singing revolution. For China Song Lover’s Association, retirement is not about becoming stagnant and old, on the contrary, it is about becoming more dynamic and contributing to society. In order to give the people of Kaohsiung a weekend opportunity of enjoying evocative old songs, every Saturday night on the run-up to Chinese New Year, everyone is invited to come and enjoy their melodious singing.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 酷酷嫂

Spreading joy and love









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