
Cracks appear at Losheng Sanatorium – No relocation says DORTS

2012/11/19 16:48
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Engineer Wang Wei-ming (王偉明) has been concerned over the Department of Rapid Transit Systems [DORTS] (台北市捷運局) construction of a maintenance depot on the Xinzhuang line for a very long time. Standing in front of DORTS, Wang Wei-ming used diagrams to illustrate that the original Losheng Sanatorium (樂生療養院), in addition to the new section (now called Losheng Sanatorium Hui Long District (樂生療養院迴龍院區)) were in danger of collapse after cracks appeared around three months ago. Deputy Director of DORTS, Xie Yu-yen (謝宇衍), stressed that there were no signs of sliding and that the situation was under control. He added that with the engineering methods necessary in order to ensure the safety of all three parties involved - depot, hospital district, and residents – cracks in the residential buildings were difficult to avoid. Cries of "immediately relocate and backfill the earth" from students and protestors, were met with a defiant assurance that there would be no relocation. The attempt by protestors and students to deliver a model of Xinzhuang Maintenance Depot to the transit authority resulted in a tussle with the police. Finally, a student representative said that the next stage would be to approach those with power over DORTS - the Department of Health and Executive Yuan (衛生署與行政院) - where they would demand that officials command DORTS to immediately suspend construction and relocate.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Cracks appear at Losheng Sanatorium – No relocation says DORTS (by CJ Civil Media)




樂生新舊院區裂縫擴大中 捷運局:不遷廠 ( 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫 )






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