
Guava expert Fang Han-ming – innovation and respect for the aged

2012/11/05 11:20
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PeoPo推 1

Always wearing a smile, easy-going Fang Han-ming (方漢明) has retained the habit of growing soft guavas since his uncle’s generation. Even though economically speaking the traditional soft guava is anything but profitable, Fang Han-ming is very much aware of just how much old people love them, and therefore continued to grow the variety, ensuring that in each of his guava orchards a little area is left for ‘The Gem of Taiwan’. 


‘Old Timers Guava’ is not profitable, but in terms of fragrance and flavor it is still on par with newer varieties. Although this more traditional variety has fallen out of favor with the young generation, in comparison, the elderly, who often suffer from bad teeth, simply adore it. Fang Han-ming not only delivers traditional soft guavas to old people in the district, he also goes out of his way to take care of elderly residents living alone, often supplying timely help in their hour of need. In addition, in terms of marketing and production savvy, Fang Han-ming has come to the aid of many local guava growers.   Ploughing through traditional farming methods, Fang Han-ming has gained some new insights, and whenever there are agriculture workshop courses organized by the government, he is always the first to sign up. With the help of his daughter, Fang Han-ming has also developed many novel new production and marketing techniques. However, this open-minded guava expert has never forgotten his roots, giving back to the community through helping the elderly and ensuring the township's guava reputation extends even further afield.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Guava expert Fang Han-ming – innovation and respect for the aged (by CJ Enews)




芭樂達人方漢明 敬老創新一把罩 ( 中正E報 )








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