
Shoddy workmanship - Sanxia District Office swaying!

2012/10/09 12:47
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The workmanship at No. 5 Children’s Park (兒五公園) in Taipei university special district (三峽北大特區) really is rotten to the core. Not long ago, another CJ report showed loose lampposts barely standing erect. Now, after only a few months, a signpost in the playground is almost falling over, raising real concern over children’s safety. Just how much longer before a child is crushed by one of these loose fixtures? Even the basal foundation on the fixtures is loose with screws clearly visible to the eye. What’s more, the situation of the previously reported loose lamppost is in exactly the same condition – swaying in the wind! The district chief was conveniently engaged in meetings each time he was asked why the park was in such poor condition. The Economic Development Section (經建課), who is responsible for maintenance, promised that they would immediately send someone to examine and fix the problems. The original construction company has questioned whether the said damages are as a result of ill-disciplined children!

The signpost itself has not been damaged, but has been completely uprooted and is now sitting at a dangerous incline. If it is possible for children to shake a signpost into this kind of condition, then shouldn’t we seriously question the quality of workmanship? It seems that these facilities cannot bear reasonable usage and when problems arise they are dealt with far too slowly, the damaged facilities, quite literally, left to sway in the wind. The most worrying thing about the workmanship of these shoddily installed signs is the lack of concern from Sanxia District Office (三峽區公所). Will the local government office be able to bear the full force of this gust of dissatisfaction and or begin to sway in the wind; the quality of public construction work is something that needs to be questioned.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Shoddy workmanship - Sanxia District Office swaying! 




工程豆腐製 三峽區政搖搖晃 ( 小尖兵 )







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