
Zong -Ye Old Street – Digitization preserves historic culture

2012/08/14 17:04
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Zong -Ye Old Street (總爺老街)was formally one of the most important streets in Tainan, and in the rein of the Qing Dynasty, the main entry point into the prefecture. Professor Sian-Shian Zeng (曾憲嫻) from the Department of Urban Planning at National Cheng Keng University (NCKU) observed that Zong-Ye Old Street was perfectly preserved and felt it important to digitally record the glory of this old street for historical records. So with the hope that digitization would raise the public’s awareness to the preciousness and cultural significance of this little alley, with the assistance of Academia Sinica (中研院) and Taiwan Museum of History (台灣歷史博物館), he embarked on a series of studies.If one enters the Digital Archive Project and Tainan Historical Building Digital Archive Project (台南總爺老街數位典藏 計畫) web page, the eye is met with a brilliant red brick wall, hanging lanterns and old urns. The site beautifully captures the mood of Zong -Ye Old Street, brimming with atmosphere and the air of yesteryear. The web site has five main categories: old maps, industrial topics, original plans, video representation and virtual experience. This diversity allows one to examine Zong -Ye Old Street from different perspectives and get a deeper understanding of the historical context of the street. This site has everything from video interviews with street bosses who tell the story of Zong -Ye Old Street in their own words, to old Qing Dynasty maps of Tainan city.

The site also introduces two century-old businesses that are still operating in the heart of Zong -Ye Old Street - Lin Tak Tong Cake Shop(連德堂餅) and Xin Yong Tool Shop(信用刀具店). These two stores have held firm to traditions that have been passed down through many generations. Furthermore, in order to let people get a clear idea of the difference between the street today and that of the past, a field survey of local neighborhoods, field interviews, as well as local architectural mapping information that combined with the contents of old maps and old literature have been used to form a digitized 3D virtual digital audio-video file. This will ensure the area will be preserved in the historical domain for future generations to come.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Zong -Ye Old Street – Digitization preserves historic culture (by CJ newstory)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/99210




總爺老街 數位保存歷史文化 ( 輔大生命力新聞 )

總爺老街,為台南府城早期極為重要的街道之一,是清代城外經大北門進入府城內的重要通道,國立成功大學都市計劃學系曾憲嫻教授觀察到了這條老街的史蹟保存完善,遂以數位化的方式將其記錄下來,希望社會大眾能注意到這條小巷弄內的珍貴史料。他透過中研院與台灣歷史博物館的協助,開始進行了一連串的研究。點進「台南總爺老街數位典藏 計畫」的網頁中,映入眼簾的是紅色磚頭構成的牆面,上方掛有幾個燈籠和老甕,就像總爺老街一般充滿古色古香的氣息。網頁中分別有老地圖、產業專題、計畫源起、影音重現、身歷其境等五個部分,可以從不同的面向了解總爺的歷史脈絡,以影音的方式訪談街訪中的老店的老闆,訴說老街的時空背景及歷史故事;老地圖則展示了許多清朝時代的台南城池圖與街道圖,另外還特別介紹了兩家在老街內已有百年歷史的老店──「連德堂餅舖」與「信用刀具店」,這兩間店都秉持著創店最 初的古法製作,為的就是延續老祖先傳承下來的品質。為了讓民眾了解現今街道與以往的差異,更進一步地進行當地街區之實地調查,利用實地訪談以及當地建築物之測繪資料,配合古地圖的內容以及舊時期的文獻加以解讀後,建立街道3D虛擬模型以及數位影音檔,以數位方式完整保存與呈現歷史場域。





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