
Dazhu Village – the last permanent-housing village

2012/07/09 18:20
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PeoPo推 1

In the carnage of Typhoon Morakot, only two households in Dazhu Village received damage. However, last January’s assessment by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau declared that with the continuing danger of landslides around streams behind the village, the area was no longer fit for human habitation, setting the wheels of village relocation in motion. The relocation process, however, has been anything but smooth. The nearby village of Fushan moved to a new permanent housing settlement last July, but Dazhu residents may have to wait until July of this year before their new homes are ready. A lack of communication between government officials and residents during this waiting period has given rise to anxiety and doubt. Currently, all but 10% of permanent housing developments constructed after the Morakot disaster have been completed, New Dazhu Village being included in this. Located to the north of Jumaqup Village and covering 2.4 hectares, New Dazhu Village has cost NTD80 million, is around 5-6 kilometers and a 15-minute drive away from the original village. The village, which will house 30 families, is currently rushing to finish construction. However, the opinions of villagers on relocation are split, and from a total of 77 households, 10 families have insisted on remaining on their original land. The Dazhu Village relocation situation is the epitome of the post-Morakot rebuilding process. Not only has there been a lack of consensus amongst the villagers, but the government also spent around a year searching for suitable land after which it was unable to agree on a price with the landlord, finally paying the expropriated land price.

Once building work was ready to commence the plans failed to get the approval of public welfare bodies and it wasn’t until World Vision Taiwan stepped in did things begin to move forward. A series of problematic situations meant that construction work on new Dazhu Village did not get underway until February of this year. Originally scheduled to be completed by the end of June, after the recent spate of heavy rain affected construction, a spokesperson from Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council said the earliest the village would be finished was mid-July. As the last permanent-housing village to be completed, perhaps New Dazhu Village can draw on the community-building experience of other tribes, helping to smooth out the road ahead.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Dazhu Village – the last permanent-housing village
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97691




大竹本部落-最後一批完工的永久屋基地 ( 政在發聲)






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