
Taiwan’s first female hot-air balloon license holder – Wu Jin-ye

2012/07/09 18:18
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Following the 2011 Taitung Hot-Air Balloon Festival held in Luye Township last year, which generated a whirlwind of enthusiasm for the sport, Taitung County Government selected five individuals to undergo hot-air balloon pilot training in America. The five individuals have already successfully passed the course and received their internationally certified hot-air balloon pilot's license. In addition, two of the five individuals have also received the highest-level commercial license. Born and bred in Taitung’ Guanshan area, Wu Jin-ye is the first Taiwanese female to possess both licenses.

Wu Jin-ye has not let her unique status go to her head, and with both feet firmly on the ground she humbly expressed her gratitude for all the valuable instruction she has received.  These important preliminary steps signal the start of personal hot-air balloon training in Taiwan, and a comprehensive plan to ensure success into the future is being drawn up as we speak. However, the current unyielding restrictions in aviation law may yet prove a damaging blow to the progress of hot-air ballooning in Taiwan.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Taiwan’s first female hot-air balloon license holder – Wu Jin-ye
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97675




台灣首位擁有熱氣球雙證照的女飛行員吳金曄 ( 欖仁居修行生活網 )






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