Green collar Taiwan in Action march towards Rio Earth Summit
Earth Summits come around every 10 years, and this year in 2012, it will return to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the third time. Taiwanese NGOs have always attended, and this year Green collar Taiwan in Action will send a 15-person group to echo the meeting’s theme of a greener economy and political development. Green collar Taiwan in Action promotes a green way of living and green consciousness in all aspects of our daily lives. Its logo is composed of three images of Taiwan, and symbolizes a multifaceted green future for Taiwan. This year, the eco-conscious band ‘The Country Boys’, who previously wrote songs in support of various environmental issues including saving the Chinese White Dolphin, the Anti-KuoKuang movement, the land expropriation events in Dapu and the anti-nuclear movement has been invited to participate. This is the first time a band has been taken to the summit and should ensure Taiwan’s presence is both seen and heard.
Last week, at a fund-raising event in Hsinchu’s Green Market the band performed some songs they have prepared for the Rio Summit. At a pre-Rio press conference, the band explained the mission for this year’s Earth Summit. In addition to supporting the ten main objectives of the Green collar Taiwan in Action, the group will be also be performing live music and screening environmental films, as well as promoting the ‘22 movement’ and United NGOs movement. At the very least, it will mark the 22nd of each month as an eco-consciousness day, for which those present were asked to sign a petition.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Green collar Taiwan in Action march towards Rio Earth Summit
前進里約系列報導:里約,綠領台灣來了 ( Juju Wang )
十年一次的地球高峰會,2012年第三次又回到巴西里約。台灣民間代表團從未缺席,本次15人代表團更以綠領台灣(Green collar Taiwan in Action)為主軸,呼應大會綠色經濟與制度建構的主題。綠領台灣的主軸企圖突顯出民間社會在食衣住行育樂的綠色生活方式,Logo 上的綠領由三個台灣組成,以多元之綠來引領台灣的未來。本次參與並邀請了台灣的環境代表樂團「農村武裝青年」,過去針對白海豚運動、反國光、大埔事件、反 核等議題創作環境歌曲,以歌聲讓台灣被聽到與看到,也是頭一次帶樂團參加世界大會。將安排在台灣攤位、人民高峰會舞台與台灣主辦活動時演唱。
上週在新竹清大竹蜻蜓綠市集的募款演唱,唱出了前進里約之歌。行前在立法院中興樓的行前記者會,穿著團服的出席代表也說明了本次任務,除了在展示攤位有十 大捲軸的台灣綠領行動外,還有演唱與相關影片放映,並推動22運動與民間UN (United NGOs)運動,至少每一個月的22日作為環保行動的開始,因此徵求認同者連署,為此製作了名片,為連署人寫下華文姓名。