
Restoration begins on Wang-An House in Huazhai Village

2012/06/12 09:47
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People from all walks of life in Penghu have been waiting for the restoration work on Wang-An House to start for a long time. After support from all social circles, and financial assistance from Taiwan’s Bureau of Cultural Heritage, a ceremony was held to celebrate the start of restoration work. Renovation work on Wang-an House – house number 111 – was officially started by the public works department, who began work on the first building creating a milestone in the area, and guaranteeing the preservation of this important settlement. Huazhai Village Historic Preservation Association’s Director General, Yen Hsin-hsiung, expressed his delight that this important piece of cultural heritage was finally being restored. All those present offered their prayers after which master craftsman Wu Tong-shou led guests and the Zhang family  to take part in a traditional opening ceremony.

Zhang Yixing, owner of the Huazhai No. 111, said he left Wang-an when he was a 13-year-old boy. 50 years have passed since then, and the family had originally planned rebuilding the house at their own expense. However, a government department talked things over with them and decided it would take responsibility for restoring the place to its former glory. The whole Zhang family was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing the family home back as it was when they were children - an occasion certainly worth getting excited about. After the renovation is complete, the County Government plans to set the houses up as an information and work center, where management will be entrusted to non-governmental groups, then in 10 years time, the houses will be handed over to the Zhang family.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Restoration begins on Wang-An House in Huazhai Village
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/96556




望安花宅古厝修復工程開工 ( 澎湖代 )

澎湖各界期待已久的望安花宅古厝修復,在地方各界的協助,及文化部文化資產局的經費補助下,終於開始進行修復工程,並慎重的舉行開工典禮。開工典禮正式在 花宅111號古厝前展開,這是公部門補助花宅修復的第一棟,也代表花宅聚落的保存維護邁入一個新的里程碑。為了此事奔走許久的花宅聚落古厝保存協會,理事 長顏信雄就表示,相當高興,這麼具有意義的文化資產,終於開始有動作進行保存。一行人進行祭拜儀式,便由古厝修復師傅吳通壽帶領著來賓及張氏家族進行開工 的傳統儀式。

花宅111號古厝的所有權人張義興表示,他從13歲離開望安,至今已過了50年,原本他們已經打算要自費重建新宅了,政府單位來跟他們協商,將古厝保留原 貌重建,整個張氏家族也樂見其成,他們認為,如果能看到這間小時候住的房子恢復原貌,也是值得高興的事情。目前動工的111號古厝,縣府預計修復完成後將 規劃為花宅聚落保存的資訊站和工作中心,委託民間團體來進行管理維護10年,10年後交還給張氏家族。





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