
Jingmei Junior High School student, Zhang Zi-jing, trains to become figure skating champion

2012/06/12 09:42
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With her incredible rhythm, when it comes to the figure-skating world, first grade Jingmei Junior High School student Zhang Zi-jing rules the roost. She snatched first place at this year’s Taipei City Youth Figure Skating Championships, where students from over 6 grades competed for the title. After school each day, Zhang Zi-jing makes her way to the Taipei Arena skating rink, where she begins her rigorous stretching and warm-up routine, making sure not to miss any steps. After slipping on her ice-skating boots and tying her laces she starts her daily 1-2 hours of intense practice.

Zi-jing puts high demands on herself and is always pushing her own limits. Many of the movements are extremely challenging and it is not uncommon to fall. However, Zi-jing always simply picks herself up, and gets on with the practice session. “When I see her getting injured, it really upsets me. To console myself, I remember that this is her passion, so it’s my duty to support her”, said Zi-jing’s mother. Zhang Zi-jing is an extremely conscientious athlete and has set her sights on travelling abroad to compete in competitions, as well as one day perhaps in the Olympics. Her family provides her biggest support and is the driving force that pushes her forward. Her mother is always standing close by, watching her practice sessions, her father cleaning her skating boots after she finishes. No matter how tough things get and the hardships she must endure on this path, in order to realize her dreams, she is resolute and continues to press on.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Jingmei Junior High School student, Zhang Zi-jing, trains to become figure skating champion
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/96479




景美國中張子敬苦練 獲花式滑冰冠軍 ( 世新Online )

站在滑冰場上,舞出動人的旋律的,是北市景美國中一年級的張子敬,她拿下今年台北市青年盃滑冰錦標賽,花式六級國中女子組的冠軍。張子敬每天下課準時到小 巨蛋滑冰場報到,從拉筋到基本的暖身動作一點也不可馬虎,綁緊鞋帶,穿好了必備的裝備,便開始了每天一到兩個小時,緊鑼密鼓的練習。

對自己要求很高的子敬,總是勇於超越自我,挑戰高難度的動作,即便偶爾摔跤了,也只是笑一笑站起來繼續往下練。子敬媽媽說,「看她受傷的時候,心裡好難 過,所以其實,我都一直安慰自己說,這是她的興趣,,我支持她。」而張子敬努力認真,就是希望能去國外參加很多比賽,以奧運為目標。家人是她最大的後盾也 是前進的動力,媽媽總是在場邊看著她練習,而每次練習結束,爸爸總會替她擦拭冰鞋,儘管未來的路相當艱辛,但為了夢想,她仍然會堅持下去。





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