Our Community, our story - Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance
With their heart and soul in the game, the players of Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance congregate each weekend to share skills and baseball know-how. However, playing baseball gives these youngsters much more than merely improved baseball skills and fitness. “Of course the kid’s baseball skills will improve, but we focus more on them learning to act and behave with integrity. For example, how do they adjust their emotions and stay calm when a team member makes a mistake…this is really what they’re learning”, said coach and parent, Zhang Gui-hao.
The appeal of Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance is that it improves parent-child relationships and gets people more involved in the community. The support and encouragement of the founder, parents and team members, helps youngsters strengthen mind and body, as well as building relationships in the community. “Players learn to appreciate and value things…for example, keeping the baseball grounds clean and tidy, and being courteous to other parents. By using baseball, something they all love, we are able to achieve much more…what a wonderful way to make a positive contribution to the community” said Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance founder Jiang Zheng-quan.
What makes Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance different from many of the traditionally elitist clubs is that it strongly encourages backing and participation from the local community, and gives equal importance to fostering moral integrity, improving schoolwork and baseball skills. The alliance believes that only in this way can the youngsters’ baseball have any kind of long-term development.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Our Community, our story - Taizhong Youth Baseball Alliance
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/95724
阮厝邊 咱的故事 【台中向上少棒聯盟】 ( 黃郁婷 )
努力揮棒、認真跑壘,台中向上少棒聯盟的小球員,每逢假日都會一起切磋球技,不過除了鍛鍊技術與體力之外,棒球運動還讓小球員有更多的收穫。聯盟教練同時 也是球員家長的張桂豪就表示,他們的球技其實還是其次,在運動中可以學習做人做事的態度才是重點,就像他們剛剛隊友守備失誤,情緒該怎麼樣去調整,是小球 員的重要課題。台中向上少棒聯盟是一個以棒球運動為號召,可以增進親子關係、聯繫社區居民情感的社區經營模式,在創辦人與家長、球員的推動與支持下,不僅 強健了參與者的身心發展,也活絡了社區居民之間的關係。向上少棒聯盟創辦人江政泉表示,小球員學會去感恩珍惜,譬如說維護我們球場的乾淨,然後看到民眾或 是其它家長 有禮貌的去打招呼,相信這是他們能夠作到而且很喜歡作的,這就是最基本的回饋社區的正面成效。有別於傳統菁英制的棒球訓練方式,向上少棒聯盟引進社區資源 共同經營,希望小球員品德、學業、球技並重,也讓棒球運動長遠發展。