
The Great Stink of Fanzigou Park

2012/05/15 10:28
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Fanzigou Park is located beside the Jiaxiong Luqiao Bridge. Initially, locals were extremely hopeful about the new park, which promised them the opportunity to live a greener lifestyle. However, over time problem after problem began to arise. Liucuo Park had similar problems with brickwork and as a result of moss growing on the brickwork pathways some residents slipped and fell. Additionally, the dilapidated and rotten wooden decking looks perilous. The park’s transformation was finished in 2008, and in 2009 refurbishing work cost around 10 million NTD. However, after the passing of an application to the Ministry of Interior from City Government in September of 2009, at the beginning of 2010 the park was once more fenced off for “reconstruction” – in a further 30 million NTD makeover. The children’s playground as well as exercise equipment suddenly vanished and workers began laying new brick paving to replace and discard the only recently laid, now ‘old’ paving. The reason given was that a building application for an overhead walkway over Highway 1 had been passed. Locals were extremely confused and asked why the park had to be closed ahead of building work on the overhead walkway? “Once the budget has been set and designated time arrived at, even if it is considered as waste, it has to be used up…whether the money is allocated to the correct area or will take many years to pay off is of no concern”, said Chiayi City Government Economic Affairs Bureau. Currently, as a direct result of building works the central drain near Boai Rd. is giving off a terrible stench. The government department responsible for the work promised to fix the problem by the end of May, but this means locals will have to put up with the rancid odor for another 20 days. This rancid smell is certainly not helping Fanzigou Park’s ecological reputation and is a terrible inconvenience to local residents – it is sincerely hoped that the government understands just how important and significant this problem has become.

PeoPo 公民新聞

The Great Stink of Fanzigou Park (by CJ ellenlee)
URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/95082




番仔溝公園傳惡臭-嘉義市公園何其多 ( ellenlee )

嘉義市番仔溝公園位於嘉雄陸橋旁,開放初期的確為當地帶來許多陽光與綠意,但問題也隨時間一一浮現。與劉厝公園同一批的問題地磚,也同樣出現在番仔溝公 園,甚至還長了青苔,有民眾因此滑倒。懸空的木板殘破不堪,看起來危機四伏。民國97年完工的公園,98年又花費近千萬改造,98年9月,嘉義市政府即函 請內政部變更用地,99年通過後,當年年底將三千多萬建造的公園再次圍起不小的區域,遊戲場整個不見了,運動設施大搬風,重新鋪設沒多久的新地磚立即報 銷,因為「公道一」要高架通過,開始動工了!令人不解為何明知要興建公道一高架道路,卻又偏要在高架道路動工前將公園興建起來呢?嘉義市政府建設處公園管 理科的說法是,預算定了,時程到了,就算浪費也是要用掉,管它是不是花在刀口上,管它是不是舉債一萬年。現在,靠近博愛路的中央大排水,因為工程施作而導 致惡臭橫生,但相關單位承諾將於5月底基礎完成後改善,居民要再忍受惡臭20天。番仔溝公園陣陣惡臭撲鼻而來,看著號稱保水的自然生態公園,變成現在的樣 子,民眾的苦,政府聽見了嗎?





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