Jialan Report 89 – Rebuilding one’s hometown
Yeh Chien-kuo was effectively washed out of his hometown when Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan, but he has returned to Taitung County in order to get involved in the rebuilding of his native Jialan Village. In mid-April 2012, after the permanent housing was completed, the affected households living in temporary housing were busy moving back to Jialan. Unfortunately, Yeh Chien-kuo was unable to partake in their joy. Two years ago, Taimali Township had a few permanent housing vacancies for victims of the disaster and as Yeh Chien-kuo’s family was small, they became the target of a resettling ploy. One day, in a drunk and confused state of mind, Yeh Chien-kuo signed a consent form that would resettle him in Taimali. In the eyes of the public sector, from then on, he was not a Jialan resident anymore. It is disappointing that after huge government expense and enormous effort in the rebuilding of Jialan Village, Jialan disaster victims have been nonchalantly dumped in Taimali!
PeoPo 公民新聞
Jialan Report 89 – Rebuilding one’s hometown
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/94678
嘉蘭報告89--原鄉重建 他鄉安置 ( 嘉蘭報告 )
2012 年4月中,永久屋落成之後,住在中繼屋的受災戶都忙著搬回嘉蘭,但是葉建國卻回不了嘉蘭。兩年前,由於太麻里鄉的永久屋多出幾間小坪數的空屋,需要有災民 被安置過去,葉建國家戶籍上的人口比較少,所以變成公部門遊說的目標。有一天葉建國喝醉酒,就糊里糊塗簽了要去太麻里的同意書。在公部門的眼中,從那時候 開始,他就不是嘉蘭人了。政府花了那麼大的力氣在嘉蘭搞原鄉重建,卻又基於其他的考量把嘉蘭的災民丟到太麻里?