
‘Lugu Warriors’ cycling team cycles its way to confidence

2012/04/17 17:33
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With an aim of helping local youngsters improve their stamina, impersonal skills, attitude towards school learning, and ultimately develop a sense of self-worth, church member Jian Lian-zheng in Nantou, Lugu Township established a cycling group called the ‘Lugu Warriors’. Coach Jian Lian-zheng expressed that there is a serious population outflow in Nantou County, where many people in the prime of their life leave to make a living, leaving behind only the old, who often face a lot of economic pressure, and the very young, who have no one to teach them.

Coupled with the additional problems that children from the countryside rarely obey traffic rules and tend to not be so interested in schoolwork, after the church’s successful World Vision bike challenge camp, it was decided that cycling had a lot to offer. It is not only good physical exercise and helps to improve impersonal skills, but the team’s communication skills also improved and there was a real sense of achievement. In last November’s Nantou County High School Tournament, the team snatched eleven trophies giving these young warriors a real boost in confidence. With the help of the Eden Social Welfare Foundation, this winter vacation the team will embark on a twelve-day cycling trip around the island. Coach Jian Lian-zheng hopes that having this opportunity to venture beyond Lugu Township will really open up their horizons.

PeoPo 公民新聞

‘Lugu Warriors’ cycling team cycles its way to confidence (newstory)




單車「鹿戰隊」 偏鄉學童騎出自信 ( 輔大生命力新聞 ) (newstory)






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