Uncle ‘Barbie’
Taishan District in New Taipei City has one elderly gentleman by the name of Zhang Yun-lin, who despite his age, has conscientiously worked to make a contribution to our cultural heritage. Barbie after Barbie, all wearing gorgeous apparel and exquisite accessories, have been created by the fine hands of Mr. Zhang. Barbie culture was once held dearly by the Taishan citizens, but in recent years interest has slowly waned. Although Uncle Zhang is close to ninety years of age, and his eyesight is a far cry from the past, he is still working hard to revive the culture, creating all kinds of exclusive Barbie props and accessories.
Making Barbie dolls, Mr. Zhang is no stranger to receiving peculiar looks from the public, but he pays no attention and fully believes that the arts and crafts world is not gender-specific. Mr. Zhang is overflowing with confidence with regards to his Barbie creations and still passionate about the world of Barbie. Mr. Zhang expressed that the world of Barbie has brought a great deal of color into his life and hopes that his youthful open-minded attitude can help carry Barbie culture into the future.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Uncle ‘Barbie’ (by CJ TKUMC)
芭比爺爺-張雲林 ( 淡江大傳 )
新北市的泰山區,有一位長者張雲林,他雖然年事已高,還是堅持為文化傳承盡一份心力。一個又一個的芭比,身穿華麗的衣服、戴上精緻的配件,這些作品都是出 自張爺爺之手。芭比文化,是泰山人的共同回憶,但如今逐漸沒落,張爺爺雖然年近九十,還是為了振興文化而努力著,即使眼力不比從前,還是繼續為芭比製作專 屬道具。張爺爺在製作芭比娃娃時,常常會受到外界異樣的眼光,但他不以為意,他認為手藝沒有性別之分,並對自己的作品有著相當的自信。張爺爺對芭比娃娃的 熱情,也為他的人生增添了不少色彩,未來,他將用年輕開朗的心,將芭比的文化發揚光大。