2012 Bo Sang Umbrella Fair & Sankampaeng Handicrafts Festival
Bo Sang is a small umbrella-making village around 3 miles from the town of San Khamphaeng, Chiang Mai. The majority of residents in the area prefer a hand-fashioned umbrella and the area already boasts a 200-years history in the making of umbrellas, which might be why it is affectionately known as The Umbrella Village. The area annually holds a three-day festival in the third week of January known as the Bo Sang Umbrella Fair & Sankampaeng Handicrafts Festival where participants are able to watch the traditional process of making paper parasols, as well as see the work of traditional wood sculptors. The annual competition for these umbrella makers and various other artists is a distinguishing feature of the area, and with such a vast array of wonderful crafts on view, visitors can gorge themselves on the visual feast on offer.
The making of Bo Sang’s paper parasols begins with the selection of green bamboo, which is first cut into the parasol’s framework before being soaked in water and then put out to dry in the scorching sun. Pieces of the parasol framework are then drilled and threaded together to form the frame.
2012 Bo Sang Umbrella Fair & Sankampaeng Handicrafts Festival (by CJ ellenlee)
2012 博桑傘節 ( ellenlee )
泰國博桑(Bo Sang)是在距離清邁附近的三甘烹(San Khamphaeng) 3哩遠的製傘小村,大多數居民從事傳統工藝製傘,已經有兩百年以上的歷史,因此也被稱為傘村(Umbrella Village)。每年1月的第3週都會舉辦為期3天的博桑傘節(Bo Sang Umbrella Fair & Sankampaeng Handicrafts Festival),可參觀傳統手工紙傘製作過程的博桑製傘中心,還有配合節慶所舉辦的木雕師、傘工匠等藝術家現場創作比賽,以及在地特色的文化市集、五 彩繽紛的傘群街景,將活動點綴得更加亮眼有趣。
博桑紙傘以青竹製作,選好了做骨架的竹子後便開始削傘骨,之後進行水浸、日光晾曬等必要的技術處理,然後鑽孔、拼架、穿線、串聯傘柄傘頭製成骨架,每個人 各自分工,將原本傳統的手工產業配置得相當井然有序,再上傘面,絕非一蹴可及,最後還會用鮮艷多彩的顏料,繪上美麗的圖案,有故事情節的,有宗教色彩的, 有國家風情的,也有清邁著名的花卉,賦予每一件作品不同的特性,紙傘也顯得更加意義非凡。