Daniao Tribe opens children’s wood sculpting class to revive age-old traditions
At Taitung’s Daniao Tribal Village, intricate tribal woodcarving can be seen on everything from the village entrance to the youth club’s doorplate. In July of last year the village opened a woodcarving class to allow the children and youth of the village to jointly study. The class woodcarving teacher, Zhu Han-wei, is no other than a student from the very first class at the village who now wishes to pass on the skills and knowledge he has gained. In addition to carving doorplates, recently the children have begun studying how to carve some of the essential everyday items their ancestors used - like combs.
The Paiwan Tribal totems can been seen on all of the carvings around the village, for example, the white lily representing the feminine principle and the cobra representing the masculine principle. Zhu Han-wei expressed that in the beginning he was mainly interested in painting but gradually began to realize that the tribe had very little in the way of wood sculpting or carvings. He slowly became proficient in the art and then decided it was time to pass his knowledge on to the next generation. His teaching method is rather unique, in that he only gives students a rough idea of how to do things, allowing students to ponder over the details and then discussing the possibility and effectiveness of the individual student’s way. He hopes his style of teaching will tap into and unleash the latent creativity in each and every student.
PeoPo 公民新聞 by 政在發聲
Daniao Tribe opens children’s wood sculpting class to revive age-old traditions (by CJ NCCU online)
大鳥部落兒童木雕班 重拾傳統雕刻技藝 ( 政在發聲(NCCU online )
在台東縣大鳥部落,從部落家族門口,到青年會所的門牌,都可以看到傳統的木雕技藝,前年七月這裡成立了木雕班,讓部落的孩童跟青年一起學習。大鳥部落木雕 班老師朱漢威,是第一屆木雕班學生,他把所學回饋傳授給部落的孩子。除了雕刻門牌之外,最近孩子也開始學習雕刻老祖先的生活器具,包括木梳等日常用品;而 在木雕作品裡,都可以看到排灣族的傳統圖騰,例如百合花是代表女生、百步蛇則代表男性。朱漢威表示,當初他對畫畫有興趣,後來又覺得部落好像沒有什麼雕刻 的東西,於是開始發想多元的創作方式,他只會大概教學生怎麼作,但是不教作法,讓學生自己去想作法,再來討論這個作法的可行性與正確性,希望讓學生有更多 創意發揮的空間。