Children looking to the future
Children looking to the future
PeoPo 公民新聞 by 新希望基金會
Children looking to the future
With the help of sponsorship from the New Hope Foundation, a group of students
from Taitung have been given the wonderful opportunity of traveling to Taipei City,
to broaden their horizons and search for inspiration in life. Following on from
their ancestors lives, which were often full of struggle, these young students
excitedly participated in this finely orchestrated trip, where they visited TV
stations, met world-class street dance performers, listened to the stories of
successful entrepreneurs and enjoyed the creativity of fashion designers.
This year’s trip leader is Chen Jung-chia from the Amis Tribe, who as a child
was uncommunicative and shy. However, after participating in the Light of the
Eastern Taiwan Project (東光計畫開始) he slowly began to develop self-confidence,
enjoy more human interaction, and learn how to how to appreciate what he had.
He also began to have some insight into his own dreams for the future.
Currently in Taiwan, Taitung has over 400 students just like Jung-chia,
who through the Light of the Eastern Taiwan Project’s financial assistance and
school tutoring have managed to fully concentrate on their studies. It is wonderful
to see the growth and transformation in the students, and witness the expectations
and dreams they hold for the future shine forth from their eyes.
大開眼界的機會。這群年輕學子興奮的參與精心安排的行程,他們參觀電視台、 認識頂尖的街舞高手、
聆聽企業家力爭上游的經過、欣賞服裝設計師的創意, 在前輩的奮鬥故事中尋找自己的夢想。