Tsou’s centennial war ceremony
Although the Tsou Tribe’s (鄒族) ‘mayasivi’ ceremony‘ (戰祭) is held annually, this years ceremony holds special significance for tribesmen. Tribal elder Liang Chin-te expressed, “This is the tribe’s first large sacrificial ceremony since Taiwan’s centennial celebrations. It represents a turning point, when our tribe can finally walk out from the shadow of destruction caused by Typhoon Morakot (88風災), and enter into the light once more. It is a time of spiritual renewal, when we can re-unite our ethnic unity. Owing to these reasons, this year’s ceremony is extremely important and has immense significance for our tribe”.
Children from Dabang Elementary School also came along to experience for themselves the depth and wonder of this sacrificial ceremony. For many of the young tribesmen, it was their first opportunity to attend this traditional ceremony; a rite of passage, where young tribesmen strengthen their spirits, learn tribal ethics and become acquainted with the tribal code of practice. Tribal chants echoed all around eulogizing tribal ancestors and the great undertakings of former times, passing on the Tsou tribal culture and the pillars on which it stands.
Tsou’s centennial war ceremony
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/85980
達邦國小學童,也來到祭典會場體驗祭儀的內涵與及震撼,年輕一輩的族人參與傳統戰祭, 藉著祭典的儀式凝聚心力,學習並瞭解部落的倫理規範,歌頌並緬懷先人偉業,傳承鄒族文化的精神支柱。