‘Divination House’ established
‘The Imperial Dragon Palace’, which is located in Dongshi Township, Chiayi County, has been set up as the first ‘Divination House’ in Taiwan. Disciples at the divination house come from all walks of life, retired teachers, hairdressers and businesspeople to name but a few – an elite group of people. This group of students will be future divination teachers.
‘The Marshal of the Central Camp’, is a 73 year-old divination teacher and disciple Chen Yi-zhuan who has researched the ‘I Ching’ (Book of Changes’) for many years. In the last ten years he has traveled to over two thousand temples and collected around 120 sets of divination poems. ‘The Imperial Dragon Palace’ has the most complete and comprehensive set of divination poems in the whole of Taiwan and has implemented a digitized divination system. In addition, many disciples are being trained and groomed to take over the art of divination to ensure the art is passed on to future generations.
‘Divination House’ established (by CJ cu8060)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/84095
全國首座「籤詩文史館」成立 影音(CJ cu8060)
「中壇元帥」諭示弟子陳易傳為「籤解」老師,73歲的陳易傳專研易經、八卦多年,近十餘年來,他走遍全國二千餘座廟宇,蒐集到120餘套內容、型式不一 的「籤詩」,該文史館目前是全國最具規模也最是為完整的「籤詩文史館」。有了完整的「籤詩」蒐集,廟方開始建置工程浩大的「籤解」數位系統,並積極培訓 「解籤」人 才,為即將式微的宗教特色開起傳承之門。