Enthusiastic football freestylers celebrate Moon Festival with nursing home residents
During the extended Moon Festival, Taiwan’s ‘Miracle Football Freestyle’ groups and kids from Chinese Taipei Football Club visited Songren Nursing Home to help elderly residents at the home celebrate Moon Festival. In addition to incredible performances by Su Min and Chou Jia-wei, coaches at‘Miracle Football Freestyle’, kids got involved for a fun game of ‘fan football’ with the elderly residents. Organizer of the event, Chen Pao-chuan from Chinese Taipei Football Club, said that the group planned to perform at nursing homes, orphanages and centers for persons with a disability throughout Taipei. He also invited anyone interested in ‘Football Freestyle’ or simply helping out, to get in touch and join in the fun.
Enthusiastic football freestylers celebrate Moon Festival with nursing home residents (by CJ Mercy H.)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/83774
熱力花足 一同陪伴養護老人共度中秋佳節 ( Mercy H. )
在中秋連續假期,台灣花式足球團體神跡以及中華台北足球俱樂部的小朋友們,一同到台北市松瑞園老人養護所與長期照護的老人家一同歡樂度中秋。除了來自神跡 花足的團員:蘇敏教練以及周家維教練精彩的花足演出之外,小朋友們也與行動不便的老人家用簡單的扇子拍打氣球作運動。 活動主辦人、中華台北足球俱樂部的陳保權表示,未來將會在台北市各大的老人看護所、育幼院、身心障礙機構進行巡迴表演。歡迎民眾前往參加同樂,也歡迎玩花 式足球的朋友共襄盛舉。