
Crested Serpent Eagles near homes – Is the ecology in danger?

2011/09/14 10:32
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PeoPo推 1

Near Xiama on The South Cross-Island Highway, the citizen journalist unexpectedly came across a Crested Serpent Eagle sitting on the road. The bird’s nonchalant demeanor and seeming indifference to bystanders was extremely surprising as this kind of bird normally fears man. The bird remained extremely laid-back, as the citizen journalist took close-range shots of the its magnificence. Everyone assumed the bird’s leg or wing was injured, however just as the local police officer informed his colleagues of his intention to capture the bird in a plastic bag the bird turned its gaze to the mountains and took to the air.

The citizen journalist discovered that the bird’s manner in the air was just as it had been on the ground; cool, calm and collected, and as the police officer watched the bird soar into the distance he uttered, “ As long as it’s uninjured, I’m happy”. It is extremely strange that recently a number of these protected birds of prey have appeared on roads or around villager’s homes.

Could it be possible that the recent Typhoon Nanmadol in Taiwan left these birds faint with hunger or is it that some ecological change has happened in the Hengshang area that has forced the birds to encroach on human’s living environment. It’s interesting to note that dust from the incident where a Black Bear was hit by a train has only recently begun to settle. We shouldn’t allow these incidents to be marks to commemorate 100 years of Taiwan, and need ecological specialists to thoroughly investigate the issue and come to a clear conclusion as to what exactly has occurred within the ecological system that has given rise to such a state of affairs.


Crested Serpent Eagles near homes – Is the ecology in danger? (by CJ smbigsun)



大冠鷲到家門,生態出了什麼事? ( 欖仁居修行生活網 )


公民記者在南橫下馬段附近巧遇一隻大冠鷲,牠的神情看起來並沒有害怕神態,這和一般大冠鷲一見人就會飛走完全不同。公民記者近距離拍攝牠的鷹姿,牠似乎 也”老神在在”,原本以為牠的腳及翅膀可能受傷,但是當霧鹿派出所員警通報鄉公所,準備以塑膠袋將牠帶走時,牠猛一轉身往山下飛去。

真的是南瑪都颱風讓牠們餓昏了頭嗎?還是最近南橫山區生態發生了什麼改 變,讓牠們不得不往人類居住的環境靠近?特別是前一陣子火車撞黑熊事件才剛落幕,公民記者呼籲,不能以大冠鷲和黑熊來慶賀建國百年而隨意帶過,這需要生態 專家深入的探討,了解南橫生態體系到底發生了什麼我們所不瞭解的狀況。




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