
We hope there isn’t a second time!

2011/09/05 18:00
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In a bid to avert a repeat of previous disasters, when Typhoon Nanmadol recently struck Taiwan, authorities took preventative measures and instructed villagers from Laiji, Shanmei and Silin in Alishan, Chiayi County to evacuate the village. Tribesmen begrudgingly accepted the order to move 100 Km away from the path of the Typhoon, but hope this will be the last time. This is the fifth preventative evacuation of Laiji and Shanmei villages in recent times. The villagers were forcibly evacuated to a military barracks in Shuishang Township, a considerable distance away from their homes, making it difficult for evacuees to settle down. Each time clansmen are forced to evacuate their villages they are left worried about the safety of their homes and property. Everyone feels that government funds are being squandered, and every time the situation occurs pray, ‘Please let this be the last time!’ There are in fact closer options available to the government to consider, which would take much of the strain and worry off the shoulders of the villagers.  It is hoped that the government will quickly complete a permanent shelter for the local people and that this kind of unnecessary turmoil and worry will not be inflicted on the villagers anymore, giving everyone peace of mind.

If unfortunately there is further need of shelter, then a much better option would be Leye Villages’ Goji Center or the junior high school and local community centers, all of which have sufficient space to accommodate the villagers. Alishan Township Office is in the process of putting emergency contingency plans into effect, which will mean each village has enough emergency rations, allowing villagers to remain in their villages and look after each other.

We hope there isn’t a second time! (by CJ niahosa)




希望沒下一次了 ( 鄒公 )( niahosa)


遇雨就撤村的嘉義阿里山來吉部落及山美部落第三、四鄰,在南瑪都颱風來襲時,預防性撤至距離部落100公里以上的中庄營區,讓族人無奈的配合政府政策,希 望這是最後一次了。已五度預防性撤離村莊的來吉吉山美部落,29日強制撤離至水上鄉國軍中庄營區,離部落是相當遠距的安置,族人的無奈,擔心部落的房子財 產產業,政府的勞民傷財,每一次的撤離大家都祈禱:希望這是最後一次。





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