Repairs on Chimei's ‘Twin Heart Stone’ complete
One of Penghu Island’s most famous tourist attractions must be the ‘Twin Heart Stone’ at Chimei, but as a result of relentless attacks from rough sea waves and the devastating influence of the northeastern monsoon winds, the left leg extending from the ‘Twin Heart Stone’ has suffered damage and the situation is worsening. The ‘Twin Heart Stone’ is not only a central cultural element and popular tourist attraction on Penghu, but also listed as an area of great cultural heritage in Taiwan. On the 15th of August, the county government enlisted 10 highly skilled fish-weir craftsmen from a local village and commenced urgent repair work on the ‘Twin Heart Stone’. After a long week of intensive work, the repair work was finally completed.
Taking part in the restoration work were Wen Chien-kuai, appointed chief of traditional building techniques, Chuang Tsai-te and Hsieh Ming-shou as well as countless others. Helpers included Zhang Ren-he, acting on behalf of the Chimei county chairman, together with Haifeng Village chief, Yan Yu-ying and a number of other locals. The restoration time had to be carried out at low tide in order to select stones to rebuild the damaged leg of the fish weir. The project took ten craftsmen a week’s time and sometimes two shifts a day to complete, finally recapturing the former glory of the ‘Twin Heart Stone’, and preserving this important part of Taiwanese history. Locals warn that the restoration work will have to ride the stormy waves of winter seas to know whether the project has been a success or not.
Repairs on Chimei's ‘Twin Heart Stone’ complete (by CJ showchi)
七美雙心石滬修復完成 ( 澎湖代 )( showchi)
澎湖縣離島七美鄉最著名旅遊景點「雙心石滬」,因長期遭受風浪侵襲,加上東北季風肆虐影響,石滬的左伸腳發生毀損,且有擴大趨勢,由於雙心石滬是澎湖重要的文化景觀及旅遊景點,更已列入台灣世界遺產潛力點,縣政府文化局在8月15日從澎湖石滬密度最高的吉貝村調請10位石滬匠師前往進行修復工作,經 過一星期的努力,終於修復完成。參加的師傅,有文建會指定的傳統技術保存者莊再得師傅及謝銘受等人;參與的學員則包括七美鄉代會主席張仁和、海豐村村長顏 鈺穎及多位在地居民。修復期間,須利用漲退潮之間的空隙,下海搬石頭堆填被海浪吹垮的石滬腳,有時一天下去兩趟,非常的辛苦。經過十個石滬師傅一星期的努力,最後終於再讓雙心石滬恢復舊觀,也讓這個代表七美的文化遺址得以永久保存。但地方居民也認為,修復完成的雙心石滬,是否能禁得起冬天的考驗,尚有待觀察。