‘Little’ Ba Jia-jiang troupe has international aspirations
This Ba Jia-Jiang (traditional religious ritual) troupe from Tainan numbers around sixty people, but the most interesting thing about them is that the average age of the troupe members is under twenty, the youngest of which is just about to start elementary school. Facilitating the smooth operating of the group is press operator Wang Yan-shou, a person who doesn’t wish to see the demise of this traditional culture and hopes to change the unfair image, which the media has labeled this traditional art with.
In an effort to do this, Wang has dipped into his own pocket for funds and sincerely hopes he can overturn the negative connotations surrounding this art. Within the group, Wang has always forbidden unruly behavior or fighting, and as a result, over the years the troupe has developed a fresh clean image. The troupe has earned the respect and backing of local citizens and in the last two years left Macau residents stunned after breathtaking performances. These performances have further encouraged the troupe leader Wang, who now feels the group are ready for the international arena – maybe one day becoming as famous as the grassroots electronic group Techno Prince!
‘Little’ Ba Jia-jiang troupe has international aspirations (by CJ cth0703)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/82693
打造小小八家將 沖床作業員盼躍上國際 ( 水共洪 ) (cj cth0703)
這一群來自台南的八家將與官將首的團體,團員人數約60人,非常特別的是,團員的平均年齡還不到20歲, 其中年紀最小的才剛要上國小一年級,而促成這兩團家將團的是一位沖床作業員,王延守,他因為不捨傳統的家將文化,總是被外界貼上中輟與翹家的負面標籤,於 是王團長自掏腰包組團練團,為了扭轉在民眾心中的刻板印象,在招收成員時,便嚴禁打架鬧事,多年下來在地方樹立清新的形象,更獲得在地民眾的支持,前兩年 更獲邀前往澳門表演,精采的演出讓當地民眾驚艷,也讓王團長更有信心將八家將帶上國際,有一天也能像電音三太子一樣,被世界看到。