Kicking a dream! Our coach is pure gold
Chen Yu-lin is the football team coach at Feng-si Junior High School as well as the captain of Chinese Taipei women’s national football team. As far as football is concerned, it was love at first sight for Chen Yu-lin, who comes alive at the slightest mention of the game. He is extremely dedicated and focused in both his football practice and in everyday life, looking to find a harmonious balance between the two. Many in Taiwan feel that developing football in the country is a thankless mission, however there are also the likes of Chen Yu-lin, who has quietly stuck by his love of football. They quietly practice and invest their time in the hope that one day their efforts will be rewarded, and that the next generation can enjoy this wonderful sport. Chen Yu-lin is based at the Taiwan Power Company headquarters in Fengshan, Koahsiung and teaches physical education at the famous Feng-si Junior High School. In an interview with the citizen journalist, Chen Yu-lin said he hoped to teach the youngsters that kicking the ball well, came second to a good attitude, and that only through diligent practice could they succeed in life.
Kicking a dream! Our coach is pure gold (by CJ Mercy H.)
踢出夢想! 我的教練是黃金國腳 ( Mercy H. )
高雄鳳西國中足球隊指導教練陳俞霖,也是中華台北的國腳隊長,對足球可說是一見鍾情,一談到足球他的眼神就炯炯發亮,抱持著純粹的心情專心練球,在練球與 生活之中尋求平衡點。有球員說,在台灣,「足球就像一顆推不動的巨石,也像是在爛泥裡打滾,滾來滾去始終在同一個位置」,但還是有像陳俞霖這樣,一群默默 堅持自己理想的台灣足球員們,默默的練習、默默的付出、更希望可以將這個對足球的期望,傳遞給下一代仍在持續茁壯的小球員們。陳俞霖在高雄鳳山,台灣電力 公司足球隊的大本營,以及擁有深厚傳統的體育名校「鳳西國中」任教,在公民記者採訪他的過程中,他說希望小球員們了解,踢的好不好是其次,重要的是態度, 要用勤能補拙的態度來面對。