
Little KangFu warrior fights with boys to gain progress

2011/08/02 18:01
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Tsai Wen-chuan, a one-hundred-and-fifty-centimeter bashful young woman who is a rising star in the world of Taiwanese martial arts. She is the all-Taiwan ‘Southern Fist Women’s Champion’ and renowned for her fierce warrior-like air in competition. Her exceptional dexterity and skill are the fruits of training alongside many male classmates over countless years. Through the course of her training she has developed strong and lasting bonds with many of her older classmates who give each other mutual support and encouragement when the going gets tough.

The students’ instructor deeply hopes that through more intense training and hard work, this group of students can reach the international level. Tsai Wen-chuan has given herself two objectives; to travel to America on a student exchange program and to continue to develop herself in the world of martial arts so that one day she can win honor for Taiwan. 

Little KangFu warrior fights with boys to gain progress (by CJ ETomato)



武術嬌小女將蔡文娟 與男競爭求進步 ( ETomato )


這位身高一百五十公分、笑容靦腆的小女生蔡文娟,是台灣武術界赫赫有名的女將,他是稱霸全台的南拳女子組冠軍,一打起拳來就變成嚴肅表情,靈敏的身手是他 與一群男性互相較勁的結果。她與同學長時間相處,彼此也都培養出好感情,再辛苦的練習也可以彼此打氣咬牙撐過去。教練期許這群選手更加努力,未來程度可以 跟國際接軌。而蔡文娟也給自己兩個目標,希望到外國當交換學生,更希望能在武術這方面持續發展,為國爭光。




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