Rehabuses insufficient to meet demand
Rehabuses are public buses specially designed for transporting those with a disability. What sets Rehabuses apart from ordinary public buses is the fact that they are installed with specialized equipment like wheelchair lifts, making entry and exit to the bus easier and more convenient. Unfortunately, as a result of limited bus numbers, users are required to make a reservation five days in advance, which has left many disabled users in the situation of being unable to get a bus reservation. Taipei City has the greatest numbers of Rehabuses in the country, with six large buses and one hundred and thirty-four small buses.
With these numbers considered insufficient, it is acceptable to presume that other areas of the country will be even less well equipped. By the end of 2009, there were over one million people registered as having a disability, meaning there are extremely large numbers of people wishing to use a small number of vehicles. Mr. Lu, who is a frequent user of Rehabuses, stated that the cost of using a Rehabus is fair and equitable (a third of taxi fares), which means even the average household can afford to use them. He hopes that through donations from wealthy businesses and kind-hearted people, more Rehabuse can be purchased to give even more people the benefit of them.
Rehabuses insufficient to meet demand (by CJ Jenny01)
復康巴士數量少 民眾難預約 ( jenny01 )
復康巴士是指專門載送身心障礙者的公共巴士,與一般的巴士不同的地方,在於復康巴士加裝了輪椅升降機等輔助器材,讓身心障礙者能夠方便的上下車,但是由於復 康巴士的數量過少,民眾又必須在5天前打電話預約,因此,常會有預約不到復康巴士的情況發生。以復康數輛最多的台北市來說,大復康六輛、小復康134輛, 其他縣市的復康數量更是明顯不足。而截至98年底,領有身心障礙手冊的民眾卻有107萬1,073人,搭乘的需求大,車輛的供給少。經常在使用復康巴士的 民眾呂先生表示,「復康巴士訂的價格是計程車費用的三分之一,價錢公道,讓一般普通家庭都能負擔得起。」兩輛救護車能換一台復康巴士,也期盼企業團體及善 心人士捐贈復康巴士,讓更多需要的民眾受惠。