Grandma abandoned in disaster zone by government
It’s hard to imagine that two years after Typhoon Morakot, there are still families in the disaster zone who as a result of government ‘hurdles and red tape’ have been left abandoned. Dahu Village, Fanlu Township, Chiayi County sits in the worst affected part of the disaster zone, where landslides caused the whole village to literally ‘take a walk’. All thirty-eight households in the village were ravaged by the typhoon, but after checking permanent residence stipulations all except Grandma Huang qualified. Grandma Huang who looks after her eldest son who suffered from a stroke, as well as two young grandsons, remains in a small crude mountain home.
Holding a dun document, which asked for repayment of the sixteen thousand dollar ‘Morokot disaster zone housing subsidy’, tears rolled down the cheeks of Grandma Huang. Everyone except her, who has no right of ownership on her residence, qualified for permanent residency funds, relocation funds or rent subsidy – for someone that has already gone through so much misery, this financial blow only adds insult to injury. Grandma Huang pointed out, that others in precisely the same situation as her had managed to meet the subsidy requirements. Numerous people from Dahu and neighboring villages have come out to call on the authorities to quickly resolve the plight of Grandma Huang.
Grandma abandoned in disaster zone by government (by CJ cu8060)
被政府遺棄在災區的黃摘阿媽 影音 ( 公義使者 )
88風災將屆滿二年,很難想像還有受災戶因為政府的「重重關卡」而被遺棄在災區裡。嘉義縣番路鄉大湖村第四鄰(五百恩仔聚落),是當地受災最嚴重的區域, 因為「走山」的緣故,造成五百恩仔聚落地勢下陷滑動,聚落38戶全數受災,有37戶 經過層層審核關卡後,符合進住永久屋的資格,並已全數住進觸口的日安社區,唯獨58歲的黃摘阿媽帶著中風的長子,以及二名幼小的孫子寄住在聚落22號的簡 陋矮房裡。
手裡拿著嘉義縣政府要求繳回「莫拉克受災戶租金補貼」款項16.000元的催討公 文,黃摘阿媽早已哭乾眼淚,當聚落裡的男女老少都在申領補助、永久屋、搬遷費、租金補貼的同時,唯獨黃摘阿媽被以「沒有房屋所有權狀」為由,要求繳回溢領 的款項,無疑是雪上加霜。黃摘失望的說:「寄居」他人屋舍的一樣沒有權狀,但他們卻符合補助的條件與標準。大湖村長邱振 聲與第四鄰邱宣旭鄰長紛紛希望政府以「專案」方式解決黃摘阿媽一家的困境。