‘Smooth Road Project’ has a ‘bumpy ride’
The construction target of Taipei City Government’s ‘Smooth Road Project’, which was launched back in 2009, covers a surface area of over ten million square meters. In addition to resurfacing and leveling, the work also includes improving the roadbed, and so citizens will have to grin and bear the disturbance caused. The citizen journalist visited an alley that had only recently been completed to find that foremen were randomly cutting a hole one meter square by over half a meter deep in the newly laid road - all in the name of quality control. This kind of management is not only extremely time inefficient and wasteful it also creates a terrible mess of the roads. In the three hours of digging, the workmen only spent three minutes examining the work quality and then had to refill the hole and reapply the asphalt surface. This kind of approach is both incapable of comprehensively guaranteeing a high quality of workmanship and also leaves roads like a patchwork quilt!
Engineers on-site expressed that there are simply too many underground pipelines in Taipei city, which means that that countless roads are unable to meet the one hundred and seventy centimeter regulations – those that fail to meet the regulatory standards set are subject to a hefty fine and forced to redo the work: further squandering natural resources. With such large sums of money available for engineering projects, is it likely these construction companies will fear the occasional meager fine?
‘Smooth Road Project’ has a ‘bumpy ride’ (CJ WuPeiqu)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80760
【台北地 大不平】路平專案難到位( 吳珮如 )
台北市路平專案從九十八年啟動至今已經兩年,這項工程目標面積超過一千萬平方公尺,除了路基改善、鏟土刨除、重鋪,周邊民眾必須暫時忍耐一些施工的困擾, 公民記者實地走訪這條六月份才剛完工的巷弄,然而,路面完成後,卻又被監工單位以抽檢測量的名義,挖出一塊長一公尺寬五十公分深達六七十公分的大洞,以茲 檢測,如此不但曠時費工,更造成路面再度毀容,從早上九點進行開挖道到中午,只測量三分鐘,又再回填瀝青,但靠這樣抽籤檢測的方式進行測量,不但無法全面 控管道路品質,也讓路面如補丁。工程人員還表示,台北市的地下管線太多,許多路面並沒辦法達到七十公分深度的標準,與標準差太多的道路會以罰款懲處,再要 求重鋪,可是如此就又變相在浪費資源,況且若是施工單位有意貪圖工程款項,又豈會在意偶爾抽檢不合格那區區幾萬塊的罰款呢。