Kaohsiung’s Qiaotou sugar refinery voices out
Qiaotou District in Kaohsiung has retained many vestiges of Japan’s occupation of Taiwan, including the sugarcane trains and impressive sugarcane refinery chimneys, which are powerful symbols of Japanese Samurai. These symbols of the Japanese nation can all be witnessed inside Kaohsiung’s Qiaotou Sugar Refinery, which has over a hundred years of history. The Qiaotou Refinery was the main refinery of the Taiwan Sugar Refinery Company under Japanese rule and has already become a recreation area. After Kaohsiung’s Qiaotou Station opened and tourists began coming in their droves, many problems began to appear, especially the enormous maintenance costs - it wasn't long before the leisure park began to struggle financially.
Head of the Sugarcane Refinery Museum, Cheng Nai-kang expressed that with annual maintenance costs extremely high, not to mention personal costs, he hoped that the government would help subsidize the park. Doors at the Qiaotou Refinery were opened to visitors five years ago and the place has been diligently developed ever since that time. They sincerely hope that the sugar industry can be preserved and that the government can lend a helping hand to sustainably preserve the local culture.
Kaohsiung’s Qiaotou sugar refinery voices out (by CJ lovelygirl)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80320
高雄橋頭糖廠的發聲 ( lovelygirl )
早期載運甘蔗的五分小火車、象徵日本武士的糖廠煙囪,都在充滿日式風情的高雄橋頭糖廠裡,橋頭糖場從日據時代就保留下來,已經有上百年的歷史,原本叫做台 灣製糖株式會社橋仔頭第一工廠,現在已經轉型成為休閒園區,高雄捷運橋頭站開通之後,遊客眾多,但是維護上也開始產生問題,龐大的維護費用,也讓糖廠快要 吃不消。糖廠博物館課長鄭乃剛就表示,每年維護費好幾百萬,加上人事成本,共上千萬的維護費用,也希望政府可以願意投入一些補助。五年前0橋頭糖廠開始開 放參觀,園區用心打造,希望保存糖業傳統與歷史,更希望政府可以助一臂之力,讓在地文化永續保存。