
Opposition to Taitung’s Miramar Resort – ‘1000 people roar to the ocean’

2011/07/19 16:19
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On the 10th of July, one thousand protestors converged on Sugihara Beach in Taitung to participate in the ‘1000 people roar to the ocean’ activity. The protest is against the Miramar Resort development, which is regarded by locals to be grossly unjust. Over 1000 people stood defiantly on the beach and cried out to the ocean, a sound, which stood in stark contract to the excavator and drilling clamor from ongoing construction work. The 1000-strong-crowd who attended the activity gave a huge boost to organizer’s morale and marked an important day in the history of Taitung.

The Anti-Miramar Resort Coalition alleges that Taitung County Government’s BOT project in Sugihara Gulf split land categories to circumvent an EIA on the development of the Miramar Resort. Kaohsiung High Administrative Court ordered a suspension of the development when the verdict went against the county government, however on-site construction has never ceased. Before a judicial decision had been made on the development, the county government scrambled to issue building permits and use the license, continually breaking the law and pandering to the whims of this financial consortium. We could say that this protest activity and its success is the culmination of much environmental concern and fervor over the last few years. The activity’s success has not only been in capturing the people’s sense of passion and concern for the environment and the destructive crisis we face today but also more crucially in spurring everyone to reexamine the Miramar Resort development and whether it is legally acceptable.


Opposition to Taitung’s Miramar Resort – ‘1000 people roar to the ocean’ (by CJ Olive Spiritual Practice Network (tentative) )



反美麗灣,千人牽手吼海洋 ( 欖仁居修行生活網 )


7/10,台東上千名民眾在杉原沙灘上共同見證「千人牽 手吼海洋」活動;抗議美麗灣渡假飯店開發案的不公不義。上千人在沙灘上以歌聲吼海洋,眾人對唱的響亮歌聲,跟施工的怪手和電鑽聲形成強烈的對比。參加千人 吼海洋民眾的熱情,讓主辦單位士氣大振,千人吼海洋的這一天,也是台東歷史上值得紀念的一天。反反反美麗灣行動聯盟指出,台東縣政府於杉原海灣BOT開發 的「美麗灣渡假村」,涉嫌分割地目規避環評。高雄高等行政法院判決縣府敗訴、勒令停工,但飯店工程卻持續進行;縣府更在訴訟未定讞前搶發建造與使用執照, 一再違法為財團護航。此行動可以說是近年來環保能量累積的爆發。此次活動不但成功引爆民眾對生活環境遭受毀滅性破壞的危機感,更成功帶動大家重新檢視美麗 灣開發案在法律層面是否公平正義這一關鍵。




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